Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Didn't Drop Her!

Look at me. I'm holding the baby and didn't drop her. By the way, that is me she is gazing at so intently (ha ha). Actually, I have been holding her quite a bit but I have normally been behind the camera. And after viewing the photo above, you can see why I am better suited to be BEHIND the camera.
Today has been another day of feeding, diaper changing and swaddling. We are still working on the logistics and timing, but the birthmom and Kaylie will be discharged from the hospital on either Thursday afternoon or perhaps Friday morning. Sena, our birthmom is still recovering so we will see how she progresses. She has been great and we've all shared in caring for Kaylie.
So, not a lot to report new. Kaylie is an eater and that is good thing, but it means a LOT of diapers. All reports show her in good health so we are very greatful for that. And for those of you with little boys, I can tell you that cool air on a bare bottomed little girl seems to have a very similar effect as with the boys. Not as much altitude, but plenty of force! Lesson learned (let's hope....)


  1. Congrats... we daughter was born on Dec 25. Hold on tight, there are some sleepless nights ahead :)

    Best of luck!

  2. Wow!! How beautiful! What a wonderful experience for the proud new parents!! Congratulations. Anna P.
