Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another day, a little more action

From the pictures above, I think you can see Kaylie is doing pretty well. She was lying around with her eyes open for quite a while yesterday. That is when I snapped these photos. She is still eating well, but we did resort to some gas drops to help her. She seemed to be getting gas cramps after eating despite giving pretty good burps and using the different bottle type. They have helped and we will probably try to minimize their use during the day to see if they really did help or if it was just a coincidence.

She slept well again last night. In fact too well. She went for between 4 and 5 hours between 3:30 AM & 8:00 AM feedings so we'll have to watch that. We had been letting her wake us when she was ready, but I don't think we will want to let her go that long again until she is at least several weeks old and at or above her original birth weight. The good news is that she ate well at 3:30 and 8:00.

Needless to say, we continue our stay in Northwest Florida. The weather has been very nice over the past few days. Usually, I only see it from inside the car while running errands, but today I did take a slow trot around the area, so it was a nice change. Jana continues to fight her cold. She is being as careful as she can. Lots of hand washing and I purchased some disposable face masks this morning so that she can wear them when feeding or holding Kaylie to try to minimize the direct contact.

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